لوگو انگلیش کلینیک
لغات و اصطلاحات عکاسی و فیلم برداری به انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی

لغات و اصطلاحات عکاسی و فیلم برداری به انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی

03/08/01 13 دقیقه برای مطالعه 2963

در دنیای مجازی که بسیاری از ما به دنبال عکاسی و فیلم برداری هستیم، داشتن اطلاعات انگلیسی دقیق در مورد این حرفه می تواند بسیار کاربردی باشد. تمامی آموزش هایی که امروزه برای عکاسی و فیلم برداری در یوتیوب و دیگر شبکه های اجتماعی به انگلیسی می باشد، به اطلاعات انگلیسی شما به شدت کمک می کند. از این رو امروز بر آن هستیم که در کلینیک تخصصی رفیعی، تمامی اطلاعات مورد نیاز برای عکاسی را آماده کرده و در اختیار شما همراهان عزیز قرار دهیم. 


عکاسی به انگلیسی

در زبان انگلیسی به منظور اینکه در مورد عکاسی صحبت کنند، از لغت Photography استفاده می کنند ولی برای فیلم برداری، عبارات متعددی وجود دارد که cinematography ، film-taking وfilming  از مهم ترین گزینه ها می باشد. به عبارات پیش رو دقت کنید که چگونه می توانید از این عبارات استفاده کنید؛ 


She immersed herself in the world of photography, capturing the raw emotions of everyday life

The cinematography in the film was breathtaking, with each frame meticulously crafted to evoke emotion

Filming in the bustling city streets added a dynamic energy to the movie

With his keen eye for detail, he approached film-taking as an art form, creating visually stunning compositions with every shot


عکس گرفتن به انگلیسی

در زبان انگلیسی بر خلاف خود عکاسی که تنها یک معادل دارد، در بحث عکس گرفتن، معادل های مختلفی دارید که می توانید از آن ها در شرایط مختلف استفاده کنید. اصلی ترین عبارتی که می توانید از آن استفاده کنید taking pictures است ولی معادل های دیگری نیز وجود دارد که پیش رو برای شما آنها را دسته بندی کرده ایم؛ 

Capturing images

Snapping photos

Shooting photographs

Clicking pictures

Making snapshots


Snapping shots

Shooting pics

Recording images

Clicking photographs


ژست عکاسی به انگلیسی 

در زبان انگلیسی برای اینکه از ژست صحبت کنند، لغت Pose را استفاده می کنند و برای اینکه ژست عکاسی را بگویند Photography pose را به کار می گیرند. به منظور اینکه این عبارت را بهتر درک کنید، جملاتی را آماده کرده ایم؛ 

She struck a graceful photography pose against the backdrop of the setting sun, her silhouette capturing the essence of elegance and beauty

او یک ژست عکاسی برازنده در پس زمینه غروب خورشید گرفت، شبح او جوهره ظرافت و زیبایی را به تصویر کشید.


عکس یهویی به انگلیسی

در زبان انگلیسی و صحبت های محاوره ای، بهترین لغتی که می توانید برای عکس یهویی استفاده کنید snapshot است و به حدی محبوب شده که به عنوان لغت مجازی سال 2009 انتخاب شد. از جمله لغاتی که می توانید به عنوان معادل استفاده کنید، عبارات پیش رو می باشد 

Instant photograph

Quick photo

Candid shot

He cherished the snapshot of his family gathered around the dinner table, capturing a moment of joy and togetherness.


لیست اصطلاحات عکاسی به انگلیسی

پیش از اینکه بتوانید جملات درستی به زبان انگلیسی بنویسید، باید ایده خوبی از لغات و اصطلاحات عکاسی و فیلم برداری داشته باشید. به همین دلیل فهرستی از اصطلاحات را برای شما آماده کرده ایم که می توانید از آن ها استفاده کنید؛ 

مثال انگلیسیترجمه فارسیلغت انگلیسی

Adjusting the aperture can control the depth of field in your photographs, allowing you to blur the background and focus on your subject



A faster shutter speed is crucial for capturing fast-moving subjects without motion blur, such as sports or wildlife photography

سرعت شاتر

Shutter speed

Increasing the ISO sensitivity can help you capture well-exposed images in low-light conditions, but it may introduce digital noise



Proper exposure is achieved by balancing the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings to ensure the right amount of light reaches the camera sensor

قرار گرفتن سنسور در معرض نور را اكسپوز يا اكسپوژر ميگويند


Manipulating the depth of field can create artistic effects in your photos, emphasizing your subject by blurring the foreground or background

عمق میدان

Depth of field

A longer focal length lens is ideal for capturing distant subjects, while a shorter focal length is better suited for wide-angle shots

فاصله کانونی

Focal length

Adjusting the white balance ensures accurate color representation in your photographs, correcting any color casts caused by different lighting conditions

تعادل رنگ سفید

White balance

Composition is the arrangement of elements within the frame to create visually appealing and balanced photographs

ترکیب بندی


Applying the rule of thirds can help you create well-balanced compositions by placing key elements along the intersecting lines or at their intersections

قانون یک سوم

Rule of thirds

Leading lines are elements within a photograph that lead the viewer's eye towards the main subject, adding depth and visual interest to the image

خطوط پیشرو

Leading lines

Framing your subject within the scene can help draw attention to it and provide context for the viewer

کادر بندی


The golden hour, occurring shortly after sunrise or before sunset, offers soft, warm light that is ideal for creating stunning and atmospheric photographs

ساعت طلایی

Golden hour

Bokeh refers to the aesthetic quality of the out-of-focus areas in a photograph, often achieved by using a wide aperture



The histogram is a graphical representation of the tonal distribution in an image, helping you assess and adjust exposure levels



Shooting in RAW format preserves all the data captured by the camera sensor, giving you more flexibility in post-processing compared to JPEG

فرمت RAW

RAW format

DSLR cameras use a mirror mechanism to reflect light into an optical viewfinder, allowing you to preview the scene through the lens



Mirrorless cameras, lacking a mirror mechanism, offer a more compact and lightweight alternative to DSLRs while still providing interchangeable lenses

DSLR (رفلکس تک لنز دیجیتال)

DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex)

The number of megapixels in a camera sensor determines the resolution and level of detail in your photographs

دوربین بدون آینه

Mirrorless camera

Achieving precise focus is essential for capturing sharp and clear images, whether using autofocus or manual focus



Autofocus automatically adjusts the focus of the lens to ensure your subject is sharp and in focus

فوکوس عکاسی


Manual focus gives you full control over the focus point, allowing for precise adjustments based on your creative vision

فوکوس خودکار


Exposure compensation allows you to override the camera's automatic exposure settings to achieve the desired brightness or darkness in your photos

فوکوس دستی

Manual focus

Bracketing involves taking multiple shots of the same scene at different exposure settings to ensure you capture the optimal exposure

جبران نوردهی

Exposure compensation

Zooming allows you to change the focal length of your lens, altering the composition and perspective of your photographs



Prime lenses have a fixed focal length, offering superior image quality and wider apertures compared to zoom lenses



Telephoto lenses have a longer focal length, making them ideal for capturing distant subjects with magnified detail

لنز پرایم

Prime lens

Wide-angle lenses have a shorter focal length, allowing you to capture expansive scenes and exaggerate perspective

لنز تله فوتو

Telephoto lens

Macro photography involves capturing close-up images of small subjects, revealing intricate details that are often invisible to the naked eye

لنز واید

Wide-angle lens

High dynamic range (HDR) photography combines multiple exposures of the same scene to capture a wider range of tones and details

عکاسی ماکرو

Macro photography

A light meter measures the intensity of light in a scene, helping you determine the optimal exposure settings for your photographs

محدوده دینامیکی بالا (HDR)

High dynamic range (HDR)

Using a flash can illuminate your subject in low-light conditions or add creative lighting effects to your photographs


Light meter

A diffuser softens the harsh light emitted by a flash, resulting in more flattering and natural-looking portraits



A reflector bounces light onto your subject, filling in shadows and creating a more even and flattering lighting setup



A tripod provides stability and reduces camera shake, allowing you to capture sharp images, especially in low-light situations or long exposures



A monopod offers some stability while still providing mobility, making it a convenient option for photographers on the go

سه پایه


Bulb mode allows you to keep the shutter open for an extended period, useful for capturing long exposures such as light trails or starry skies



Creating a panorama involves stitching together multiple images to capture a wide field of view, ideal for landscapes and architectural photography

حالت بالب

Bulb mode

Time-lapse photography involves capturing a series of images at set intervals over time and combining them into a video, showcasing



Adjusting the aperture can control the depth of field in your photographs, allowing you to blur the background and focus on your subject

عکاسی تایم لپس

Time-lapse photography


متن درباره عکاسی به انگلیسی

به منظور اینکه درک بهتری از عبارات عکاسی در زبان انگلیسی داشته باشید، متنی را آماده کرده ایم که بتوانید به صورت دقیق از این لغات و اصطلاحات استفاده کنید. 

Photography is the art of capturing moments in time, freezing fleeting emotions, and immortalizing memories with a single click. It's more than just taking pictures; it's a powerful tool of expression, communication, and storytelling. Through a camera lens, photographers have the ability to transform ordinary scenes into extraordinary narratives, to evoke laughter, tears, or contemplation with a simple image. Whether it's documenting the beauty of nature, the hustle and bustle of city life, or the intimate moments of human connection, photography allows us to see the world through different perspectives, to appreciate the small details that often go unnoticed, and to preserve moments that would otherwise fade into the depths of memory. In every photograph lies a story waiting to be discovered, a piece of history waiting to be revealed, and a glimpse of the beauty that surrounds us


مکالمه ای در مورد عکاسی به انگلیسی

در بخش قبلی برای شما متنی را آماده کردیم که با استفاده از آن می توانید درک بهتری از مفاهیم عکاسی در زبان انگلیسی داشته باشید. 

Photographer: Hey there! I couldn't help but notice you admiring my camera. Are you interested in photography


Visitor: Yes, absolutely! I've always been fascinated by it. Your camera looks so professional. How long have you been into photography


Photographer: Thank you! I've been passionate about photography for about a decade now. It's become more than just a hobby; it's my way of expressing myself and capturing the beauty around me. What about you? Have you dabbled in photography before


Visitor: I've played around with my smartphone camera, but nothing serious. I've been thinking about getting into it more seriously lately. Do you have any tips for beginners like me


Photographer: Of course! One of the best pieces of advice I can give is to practice regularly and experiment with different subjects and techniques. Also, don't be afraid to make mistakes; that's how you learn and grow as a photographer. And always remember to pay attention to composition and lighting – they can make or break a shot


Visitor: That's really helpful, thank you! I'm excited to start my photography journey. Do you have any favorite subjects to photograph


Photographer: I love capturing landscapes and nature scenes, especially during golden hour when the light is soft and warm. But I also enjoy taking portraits and street photography – there's something special about capturing candid moments of everyday life


Visitor: That sounds amazing. I'll definitely keep those in mind as I start exploring. By the way, do you have any favorite photographers or inspirations


Photographer: Oh, there are so many talented photographers out there! Some of my favorites include Ansel Adams for his breathtaking landscapes, Annie Leibovitz for her iconic portraits, and Henri Cartier-Bresson for his mastery of street photography


Visitor: I'll have to check them out. Thanks for sharing! It's been really inspiring talking to you. I'm feeling even more motivated to pursue photography now


Photographer: My pleasure! I'm always happy to chat about photography. Feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions or want to go shooting together. Welcome to the wonderful world of photography


کلینیک تخصصی رفیعی همراه شما در آموزش زبان انگلیسی

ما در کلینیک تخصصی رفیعی بر آن هستیم تا بهترین لغات و آموزش ها را در اختیار شما قرار داده و کمک کنیم در کنار دوره جامع زبان انگلیسی مفاهیم کلی را نیز به خوبی آموزش ببینید.


مطالب مرتبط:

توصیف یک عکس به زبان انگلیسی ترجمه فارسی


اولین نفری باشید که نظر میگذارید

دوره‌های انگلیش کلینیک متناسب با نیاز زبان‌آموزان

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